Join us on a mission…
Whether you’re still deciding which creative avenue you might try, or you’re doing a full U-Turn on your current career… even if you’re retired, this is the space for you.
INNER AVENUE aspires to get under the skin of creativity by championing local voices. Our mission is to challenge society's definition of what is 'creative', and inspire a sense of belonging, from the inside out.
We know the power of...
Listening seems simple, but it's a skill that holds power. Too often we don't create space to tell stories without the interruption and distractions of everyday life.

Arguably society's way of valuing creativity. We aim feel more like a neighborhood than a LinkedIn connection. Local guests and local listeners means our community can connect IRL, too.

Everyone is capable and we're here to champion that. We should continuously try to recognise those comfort zones and boxes we climb into, including what we class as 'creativity'.

I'm Daisy Burns-O'Keefe
I’m Daisy and I’m on a mission to forge space for real people with creativity in their spirit. As a former aspiring Artist and Interior Architecture graduate, I’ve developed my use of words and space as part of my personal branch of creativity. INNER AVENUE take it’s name from the area of Southampton I was born in, at home, on a sunday afternoon. I’m my most creative when… I’m learning & experiencing new places.