We're leaving the very first written feature to the professionals, literally. Hear John Hansard Gallery's Head of Comms' take on creativity, advice for artists, and what led him to this mysterious artsy avenue – all in his own words!
What does creativity mean to you—would you describe yourself as creative?
Creativity means many things to me, and I see myself in its definition. For me, creativity is not only just the common concept of producing something inspiring, but I also see it as a way of solving problems, communicating with others, and viewing things from a different perspective. Additionally, there is the extension of where creativity goes; not only does it entertain others, but us as individuals in its process. I think of creativity as a unique conversation with the world.
Does your job/workplace in particular require you to be creative? What sort out thing does that entail day-to-day?
For sure, my job involves many of the facets of creativity I mention above. Very few days are the same, with fast-moving, multiple projects on a daily basis. A key insight into my role is in my job title: ‘Communications’. I feel communication is the key for creativity. Engaging with a wide variety of project partners, funders, audiences, and other arts organisations, my voice and vocabulary varies from hour to hour. Through working with artists, photographers, graphic designers, web designers, PR agencies and journalists, I have the luxury of entering their worlds.
How long did you want to work in Marketing/Comms before you got started...did that start with a job, education, or something else?
Marketing was really a profession that found me. I studied History of Art at University, so through this subject I was used to telling the story of creativity. I have always been inquisitive of the power of language and the art of a good conversation. I followed my degree with several Internships at art galleries and creative agencies to see if this was the area for me, realising in a short timeframe that my skills were well-suited to this arena. Creativity runs in my family, so I have always had the backing and understanding of my close network to push me forward. Many of my friends also work in the creative industries, so this helps inspire me to stay motivated and feel supported.
Is there something about your work or process that people might not immediately realise from the outside?
I would say time management often gets overlooked. I am burdened with the creative’s curse of striving for perfection, so letting go of anything that I don’t feel is 100% perfect can prove problematic. I spend a percentage of my days developing strategies that work for a wide range of audiences, as equality, diversity, and inclusion will always be the sign of success.
You work in Southampton but live in Bournemouth—Do you think Southampton has the potential to become a city more related to creativity, culture and the arts?
Absolutely. I am fortunate to engage with many of the fantastic creative individuals and organisations in Southampton through my role at John Hansard Gallery, so I know the potential the city possesses. Working in the Cultural Quarter, it’s always exciting to see Guildhall Square activated and MAST Mayflower Studios continually bustling with energy. With the incredible collection held at Southampton City Art Gallery, and the always brilliant events at God’s House Tower and through 'a space' arts, as well as the independent activities that arise across the city, Southampton has all the ingredients required to become known as a cultural destination and a hub where creatives can find a home.
You were at the RSA creative business collaboration discussion at Mettricks Guildhall lead by Fred Bassett—what were your main takeaways from the event?
That it was a positive event, and we should be doing more of these in the city. It was an impressive turnout on a chilly autumn evening, proving that the appetite for creativity is alive and well in Southampton. As I mentioned in the previous question, so many incredible individuals and organisations exist in Southampton, so amalgamating these voices in a regular time and place is something we should be looking to establish. I know that Ed Gould at Carswell Gould (shout-out Ed for continuing to do great things in the city) who organises Venturefest South is keen to initiate a working group, so anyone who is interested should check out their site to see how they can get involved: https://venturefestsouth.co.uk
Also, shout to you for the brilliant Inner Avenue podcast that holds space for creatives and gives the city a voice 🤩
Do you have any tools/tips that help you keep yourself creatively engaged, like inspirations, or is it the more mundane everyday things when creativity strikes?
For me, it’s a bit of both. I subscribe to podcasts, blogs, and follow IG accounts that keep me inspired, but the prosaic periods should never be underestimated. Living where I do, you can often find me wandering and wondering on the beaches, just letting my mind breathe after a busy day/ week/month/year. Creativity is the ability to find inspiration in ordinary, everyday experiences, it's about searching for the magical in the mundane. I feel creatives can often feel pressured to constantly be generating new ideas, but the downtime is as important as the flashes of inspiration.
As a Marketer myself, I find the constant movement of the industry itself and the skills I need suits my personality, it satisfies my 'thirst for knowledge'. Do you think there's any truth to the personality tests that often get used for students and early careers advice? Did anyone ever recommend Marketing as an avenue to you?
I think Marketing is one that aligns to your personality. As I mentioned before, this is a profession that found me, over me finding it. I feel with the access people now have to digital platforms that enable them to cast their voice to a global audience, means that the term Marketing is ever expanding. It’s exhilarating to see. Keeping tabs on those creating engaging content and pushing the possibilities of the industry quells my ‘thirst for knowledge’. At the heart of it, we are a social species, so Marketing will move with the world’s evolution – and hopefully always be used for the better.
If you could borrow one brain for the day and remember everything when you got yours back, who/what would it be?
I am a massive football fan, so I'm going to lean on this passion here. I have to go with the French powerhouse, Zinedine Zidane. His spatial awareness, timing, vision on the field is pure artistry. Anyone who wishes to test this theory should watch the film, Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait. Made by the Turner Prize-winning artist and filmmaker Douglas Gordon, he teams up with the French artist Philippe Parreno to create a work glorious in its simplicity. The film was made by training 17 cameras, solely on Zidane, over the course of a single match between Real Madrid and Villareal.
I would borrow his brain for the day to gain an insight into how he sees the pitch over the course of 90 minutes. His ability to communicate with his teammates, pace the team, and himself, over the course of a match to basically paint live pictures with a football is what I am attempting to do in my profession. Vive Zizou!
Do you have any general advice or tips for those hoping to work with/gain recognition from bigger organisations like the John Hansard Gallery?
For anyone wishing to get their work into galleries like John Hansard Gallery, I would say create a strong portfolio, which can mean many things. I recommend thoroughly researching galleries that align with your style and vision, proactively contacting them with a well-crafted submission package highlighting how and why your work fits their programme and the mission of the organisation. I also suggest actively participating in your artistic community, and consistently showcasing your art at every given chance; whether through group exhibitions, online platforms, Open Call opportunities, networking events. Essentially, demonstrate your potential to galleries, while allowing you to create, establish, and build your reputation. Be bold, be brave, and always back yourself.